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Accounting Forensics & Witness Testimony
Throughout the U.S.
Teichner Accounting Forensics & Valuations, PLLC
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Forensic Accounting and Business Valuation as Expert  and Consultant

Richard M. Teichner has over 45 years of experience as a certified public accountant, with more than 35 years dedicated to serving as an expert and consultant in a broad spectrum of business litigation matters, most of which have involved complex financial issues.  Additionally, he has been retained as an expert in numerous divorce litigation matters, including those involving substantial marital estates.  His area of valuing businesses encompasses conducting valuations for both business litigation and divorce litigation matters as well as for buy-sell transactions, and for gifting and estate tax purposes.

Beyond testifying at deposition and trial, Mr. Teichner supports legal counsel throughout the discovery process. This includes assisting in formulating requests for production, drafting interrogatories, preparing questions for direct examination of himself and for opposing experts at deposition and trial, and occasionally for the litigants at both deposition and trial stages.

Mr. Teichner’s curriculum vitae provides a representative overview of litigation matters in which he has been engaged, his experience in other areas such as tax related issues, and other information, such as his certifications and accreditations, articles he has authored, and presentations he has delivered.  Interested parties are encouraged to call or email him to discuss their specific needs.

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